For this edition of, we set out to create a tarot deck featuring kakemono characters. Each card offers a tale, and an omen, guiding you to embrace the fluidity of identity, the power of transformation, and the spaces where the (meaning of) monstrous and the feminine intertwine. Kakemono is created by Zack Wood and Kristina Gvozdenović. Here you can read more about our process:
How is kakemono created? (click on the link and window will open on the right side)
Upright: 高嶺の花 (Takane-no Hana) – A flower on a high mountain top
Upside down: The One-eyed Fluttering Flitter-be-gone
Upright: The Leaping Lasher
Upside down: 花を手折る(hana-o taoru) To pick a flower
Upright: Žena u punome cvatu The Woman in Full Bloom
Upside down: The Furious Faloosa
Upright: Kakva Drača What a Thorn
Upside down: The Wonky Wonderbuss
Upright: Tek je počela da pupi She has just begun to bud
Upside down: Nutley
Upright: Cvijet je najlepši dok je neubran The Flower is Most Beautiful When Unpicked
Upside down: Wolly Woblina
Upright: Tiny Peeper
Upside down: 大根足 daikon legs
Upright: Beebalibees
Upside down: 百花繚乱 (hyakkaryouran) A gathering of many beautiful women, a hundred flowers blooming in profusion
Upright: An Orange Screamer
Upside down: Suva kao suva grana jorgovana Dry as a withered lilac branch
Upright: The Splendid Sweet Siddle-See
Upside down: Tako mlada, a već uvela Young but already withered
Upright: The Unruly Shooshaw
Upside down: Raskrošnjala se She has bloomed wide
Upright: Golden Bellow
Upside down: 閉月羞花 (heigetsushuuka) So beautiful that the moon hides and flowers are abashed
Upright: Snooroofadoo
Upside down: Ruža rumena A rosy woman
Upright: The Bored Buzzer
Upside down: 妖花 (youka) A beautiful woman with a suspicious charm
Upright: Sva je ko drvo She is like a tree
Upside down: Noisy Flower Slammers
Upright: The Swizzler
Upside down: 大和撫子 (yamato-nadeshiko) Japanese pink flower
Upright: 壁の花 (kabe-no hana) Flower on the wall
Upside down: The Plingerbottom
Upright: Leaf Bringer
Upside down: Nježni pupoljak Gentle Bud
Upright: No official name – the Crambler, the Way in the Wind, the Lucka-a-loo, and the Soaring Singster
Upside down: 職場の花 (shokubano hana) Flower in the office
Upright: Pustila je korijenje She has sent her roots out
Upside down: The Glorbular Reitculator
Upright: The Beeba
Upside down: Ruža neubrana The unpicked rose
Upright: 両手に花 (ryōte ni hana) two blessings at once
Upside down: The Frilled Tentangler