
a card-reading 7 anxieties and the world

A card-reading publication is a box containing 22 cards and instructions for reading the cards. On these cards I printed photos of 22 items from my collection of take-away material, picked up from different exhibitions of other artists.


method: Researching through one-on-one card-reading for other artistic and researchers about their artistic anxieties




photos © Alexandra Bertels

On-going during the fair FairShare: self-publishing as an artistic practice I presented my publications and artist books and performed the card-reading publication 7 anxieties and the world.
location: CIAP in Hasselt


photo © Pierre Rubio

During the victories over the suns – I did on-going practice of card-reading for invited and interested artists and researchers, who contributed to the research with their anxieties and helped this methodology to be developed further.
location: gallery Zsenne Art lab in Brussels
24/06 – 14/07/2019



photo © Vijai Patchineelam

Within the program The Hub – Between the iliac crest & the pubic bone, facilitated by Marko Gutić Mažimakov /
U okviru programa Čvorište – Između karličnog grebena i stidne kosti, na poziv Marka Gutića Mižimakova, predstavljanje umjetničke publikacije 7 tjeskoba i Svijet – jedan na jedan čitanje iz špila karata.
location: GMK (Galerija Miroslav Kraljević) in Zagreb
14/10 – 17/10/2019

Tjeskobe perfromansa u svijetu umjetnosti, piše Hana Sirovica.